The story of Terry McGinnis in the far, dystopian future of 2040’s Neo Gotham City is by far one of the best animated renditions of the Dark Knight we’ve ever received. I still remember watching Batman Beyond‘s edgy intro for the first time when the series came out and immediately realizing that this would be the most mature Batman anyone had ever seen. Granted, I was seven at the time, but still, the moody vibes and the high-contrast visuals were enough to sell the idea that this was Batman like we’d never seen him before.
As beloved as it is, Beyond has been criminally underrepresented in most Batman media. Sure, the series got so popular that it got its own comic book based on the show, but Terry and Neo Gotham have been curiously absent from the latest batches of animated DC films.
Besides Return of the Joker, the idea of a Batman Beyond feature film sounds like a pipe dream. But what if I told you we already got a Beyond movie without anyone realizing it? A film that embodies everything the animated series stood for, and with a dynamic duo that closely resembles the dynamics between Terry and Bruce? If you already guessed I’m talking about 1998’s The Mask of Zorro, you’d be absolutely correct.
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Passing the Torch

In The Mask of Zorro, an aging Diego de la Vega (Anthony Hopkins) must find an heir to the Zorro title. He finds his successor in Alejandro Murrieta, a swashbuckling bandit with a desire for vengeance and undeniable fighting skills. Before he can become Zorro, however, he must undergo intense training under Diego’s tutelage, teaching him not just how to clash swords – but also how to uphold the moral virtues of the Zorro name.
The story shares almost the same story beats as Batman Beyond, where Bruce Wayne finds the next Batman in Terry McGinnis: a problem child with a natural skill for bashing skulls and looking sleek in black clothes. Both stories center on an older hero, burdened by a lifetime of losses and regrets, reluctantly passing on their legacy to someone younger, brash, and definitely unpolished.
The parallels go even further. Alejandro, like Terry, is initially motivated by revenge, blinded by his desire to settle old scores. Both Diego and Bruce, seeing their younger selves reflected in their successors, question the decisions that took them to where they are. All in all, the two stories share a similar DNA, and once you look past those similarities, it’s incredible just how related Batman Beyond and The Mask of Zorro truly are.
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Batman Beyond and The Mask of Zorro Are Two Peas in a Pod

Let’s talk about the timing of Batman Beyond. The Mask of Zorro premiered in July 1998, only months before Batman Beyond debuted in January 1999. Though Beyond‘s development must have been well underway by the time Mask of Zorro hit theaters, it’s fascinating to see how much the two stories match up. Perhaps it had something to do with the end of the millennium – everyone felt like it was time to pass the torch to a new generation in some way or another (Y2K was just around the corner, after all!)
The fact that Batman Beyond came out around the same time as The Mask of Zorro seems only fitting for Batman as a whole. Zorro laid the groundwork for Bruce Wayne’s alter ego in almost every version of the Dark Knight’s comics. Bruce’s origin story often includes the detail that he and his parents were watching The Mark of Zorro on the night of their tragic deaths.
The parallels feel almost poetic, as if Terry McGinnis and Alejandro Murrieta are two sides of the same coin, carrying forward a tradition of heroism that transcends time and setting. Although there’s no evidence that Alejandro was made from Diego’s DNA – though I don’t know if many Beyond fans consider the show’s Epilogue canon anymore.
We might never get a Batman Beyond live-action movie (at least, for now,) but The Mask of Zorro remains the closest thing we’ve ever had to seeing the spirit of Neo Gotham brought to life on the big screen.
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Tell us, do you see the similarities between The Mask of Zorro and Batman Beyond? Also, check out this amazing Batman Beyond fan film from Lumis Entertainment starring Ryan Potter.