Game of Thrones ended too quickly, and not in the way that any of us wanted it to. Most people felt that the end of the series was extremely rushed, because the series hadn’t been renewed for the next season, and HBO needed to push out a somewhat satisfactory conclusion so that the millions of fans that the show had accrued from around the world wouldn’t riot. Unfortunately, the ending left us with more questions than answers. Where did Arya Stark go after the finale? What happened to Jon Snow, aka Aegon Targaryen, after he murdered Daenerys? Did Bran become an all-knowing leader? Most importantly, why did Drogon burn the Iron Throne instead of the man holding Daenerys’ dead body?
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There are two main theories regarding the last question, as many fans either joked or tried to understand the reasoning behind him burning the Iron Throne. The first of these theories is that Drogon, the smartest, strongest of his siblings, and the only one to survive, recognised the evil of the Iron Throne and that his mother’s quest and desire for power was why she died in the end.
The other is that because Drogon is an animal, he mistakenly thought that the sharp pointy chair is the culprit that stabbed and killed his mama. As it turns out, neither of these is true, as revealed when the script for the eighth season was released on the Emmy Awards website this week. And if you were hoping the script would clear up where Drogon flew to with Dany’s body, you will be sorely disappointed.
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The script reveal was a little disappointing, much like the eighth season. It reads:
“We look over Jon’s shoulder as the fire sweeps toward the throne – not the target of Drogon’s wrath, just a dumb bystander caught up in the conflagration. We look through the blades of the throne as the flames engulf it, and blast the wall behind it. We see the throne in the flames, turning red, then white, then beginning to lose its form. We get tight shots of the details melting in silhouette: the armrests, the iconic fan of swords on the backrest. The fire stops. The smoke clears revealing a smouldering slag where the throne once stood. Who will sit on the Iron Throne? No one.”
So, despite them acknowledging the symbolism of no one being able to sit on the Iron Throne ever again, it was just destroyed because it got in the way of Drogon’s frustration. Disappointing right? It’s almost fitting that there was no intention behind his actions because it seemed there was little intention behind much of the conclusion.
As for the truth about where Drogon flew with Dany’s body, not even the scriptwriters knew:
“We follow Drogon over the ruined city with Dany’s lifeless body clutched in his claw. He heads out toward the eastern sky, flying over Blackwater Bay. It’s not a dusk beauty shot; it’s grey and lifeless, as befits a funeral. We fade to black.”
So despite the hope that the revelation of the script would give us some closure, we still have so many unanswered questions, including the real reason why Drogon destroyed the Iron Throne. Hopefully, George R.R. Martin will be able to help us with some actual closure in the future.
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