Lena Headey’s role was unfortunately cut from the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder. Some fans suspect she was playing Amora the Enchantress. So what happened?
With the release around the corner, fans thought that the cast had been revealed in its entirety, and, for the most part, it has been. However, what has been of more interest is the characters and cast who didn’t make it into the movie at all.
In recent drama, Lena Headey has found herself in the middle of an unfortunate lawsuit regarding some of her would-be coming-up roles in movies, one of which was revealed to be Thor: Love and Thunder.
Speculation over Lena Headey’s Cut Role

It was never confirmed who Headey would have played in the upcoming movie; however, many have speculated (or rather hoped) that she would play a long-awaited villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Thor comics: Amora the Enchantress.
Amora the Enchantress is a beautiful and powerful villainess, usually appearing with her brawny counterpart, Skurge. She is also a possible love interest for Thor in the comics, despite them fighting for good and evil respectively.
Amora is one of the most prominent villainesses in Thor Comics, which begs the following question:
Why haven’t we seen Amora the Enchantress in the MCU yet?

Despite the possible depth of story that having a villainess love interest could create in the movies, we have yet to see Amora the Enchantress in the MCU and fans would love to understand why. Although nothing is concrete, here are some theories as to why we haven’t seen her yet and, unfortunately, why she is unlikely to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future.
As mentioned earlier, Amora the Enchantress is often seen alongside Skurge, a brawny character known for his brute strength and balanced by her physical weakness but the strength of power and mind. Skurge, unlike Amora, has already been revealed in Thor: Ragnarok, and subsequently killed off already, meaning that Amora’s muscle is gone. Introducing someone new to be her brawn would be straying too far from the comics in most fans’ opinions.
Some prominent villains that have already been encountered and conquered in the Thor movies are characters such as Loki, his brother, and Hela. There is a little confusion around the relationship between Hela and the two brothers, with her being Loki’s daughter in the comics, yet Thor’s sister in Thor: Ragnarok. It would be difficult to introduce another villain, as Amora the Enchantress is thought to have extremely similar powers and abilities to both Loki and Hela. While the writers of the MCU are notoriously incredible and imaginative, it may prove difficult to introduce Amora in a new and exciting way.
The last of the theories as to why we may never see Amora the Enchantress in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is regarding what fans think is the rivalry between the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Extended Universe. DCEU has already introduced its villainess, Enchantress, and it is thought that the companies do not want any more comparisons to be drawn between their characters.
We all know that in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, everything happens for a reason. Unfortunately, we may never see the lovely Amora the Enchantress, however, we can always hope.