Television audiences recognize actor Hannah Rose May after her roles in shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm, Ballers, and Altered Carbon. However, she’s quickly establishing herself as a rising star in the comic book industry too, having written stories for both Harley Quinn and Star Trek. Her creator-owned series, Rogues’ Gallery, which features the talents of a creative team including Justin Mason, Tríona Farrell, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, also made quite the splash upon arrival. In fact, Don Cheadle’s This Radicle Act optioned the story as a television series, as per Deadline.
Fortress of Solitude chatted to May about all the latest happenings in her comic book career, while also finding out more about Rogues’ Gallery and if there’s more to explore in that world. In addition, the actor discussed what would be her reaction if the opportunity to play Harley Quinn for DC films materialized as well as what’s on the horizon for her.

Fortress of Solitude: Congrats on the contribution to Harley Quinn #35. How did this opportunity present itself?
Hannah Rose May: Thanks! This came to me through a good ol’-fashioned DM from none other than the amazing DC editor, Arianna Turturro. I’m all for people sliding in my DMs… especially if they’re editors! Arianna had read my creator owned book, Rogues’ Gallery, and was a fan of it! She asked if I’d be interested in writing for DC and more specifically for Harley Quinn. I couldn’t believe it. By far, my favorite DM I’ve ever received.
I’d like to chat more about the story since there were established parameters in place. How much free reign did you have over the story and characters chosen?
I was given some awesome creative freedom. The only parameters I needed to stay within were that these were all dream sequences but beyond that, I could pretty much do what I wanted with whatever characters I wanted to use. As a lover of action-adventure tales and dinosaurs, I wanted to find a way to weave those two together while also honouring the dream scenario. I figured it’d be fun to play with the trope of how anxiety dreams tend to present themselves around feeling unprepared for school and projects – mine do anyway. That’s when I had the idea to turn Harley into an aspiring doctoral student who was on an archaeological expedition to discover a lost city of dinosaurs.

The dynamic between Harley and Croc is something that we don’t see enough of in comics – and the art from Leomacs and colours from Jason Wordie give it the perfect cartoon-ish vibe in Harley Quinn #35. Why do you think these two characters work so well together?
Hannah Rose May: Part of the reason I was drawn to a dinosaur concept was because I knew I could find a way to tap into Croc. Croc is someone who doesn’t really tolerate Harley’s antics and I liked the idea of him being frustrated by essentially being put on a group project with the class clown. Leomacs and Jason did an incredible job bringing these two to life. I love how they were able to deliver Croc’s annoyance with Harley while also capturing her childlike high jinks throughout the story.
Now that you tackled Harley, which other characters or series would you love to get involved in if given the chance? It’s time to shoot your shot here!
Oh gosh! The list is long but if we’re talking DC… the Gotham City Sirens are my gals! Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy. I think I’d cry if I ever got to write Catwoman. As an Irish gal, I’d also love to be able to play with some of the great Irish characters out there like Marvel’s Siryn and Shamrock.
Recently, Margot Robbie hinted that it’s time to hang up the jester costume as Harley Quinn on the big screen. You’re an actor as well. What would you say if James Gunn phoned you up tomorrow to ask you to play the Clown Princess of Crime?
I think the only words I’d manage would be, “911, please,” because someone would need to call me an ambulance.
In terms of Rogues’ Gallery, what are the chances of continuing the comic book series?
Oh, there are absolutely plans for future volumes. The Rogues’ Gallery story in my head is a trilogy that further explores Maisie, the Red Rogue, and fandom at large. Between Justin Mason’s schedule and my own, it’s been a little tough to pin down when we can get to it. But I also like the idea of having real-world time pass between the events of Rogues’ Gallery Vol. 1, so when we pick up in Volume 2 that same gulf of time is also felt on the page.
In terms of comics, are there any other upcoming projects you’re working on?
Hannah Rose May: I’ve got a Star Trek: Lower Decks story coming out on May 29th in Star Trek: Celebrations! I’m a big fan of Lower Decks so getting to pen a story with the crew of the Cerritos was an absolute blast. I may have some fun things being announced over the summer that I can’t say anything about just yet but check back in with me before San Diego Comic-Con International. [Smiles].

What about the acting side? Anything you’re working on at the moment that people should keep an eye on?
I was fortunate enough to have just been on the final season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. A total honour. There’s a few other irons in the fire that you’ll see next year, but for now I’m all in on writing comics and so happy to be able to do so.
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